Donate! Help us continue with our cause

Who are we?

Fighting from the homefront

Cooking from the<color:#E500


A non-profit organization
working in cooperation with
restaurants that have been
converted into crisis-situation kitchens.
Your Donation = Food dishes for the people in need.
The average cost of 1 dish is 39 NIS, that means 1,000$ = almost 1,000 food portions.
When donating 2,000$ you will be able to choose the destination of the shipment (IDF/ Hospitals/ Refugees)
Please help us to raise more money

What Do We Do?

Up until now we have sent over 1,250 packages of toiletries
and over 250,000 food rations to hospitals and soldiers

Over 250,000

Food rations

Over 1,250

Toiletries packages

How can you help?

By sending a donation

Help us collect funds in order to continue with the cause

Your support makes all the difference

By volunteering

We are looking for volunteers who can come and prepare food, pack, send and more…

Every bit of help, big or small, will be remembered forever

You can also donate food products

straight to us

We will take care of

preparing the food

*Please send only kosher products

Dry Ingredients Meat, chicken, lentils, vegetables, toiletries

Donating products

Products can be brought to:

From 6:30 a.m. until 6 p.m

No appointment needed

Target & Expanses:

Our GOAL is to distribute 120,000 hot dishes and sandwiches every week!

Over 2,300,000 NIS

With the help of your donations we'll be able to reach the weekly GOAL.
Help us to supply more food to the warriors, medical team and to the survivors who were evacuated from the home

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